domingo, noviembre 02, 2008

From hysteria to depression (from crisis to recession).

Ladies and Gentlemen: the recession is just here. No surprise. More unemployment, more re-sitting of companies, less credit, less confidence, more bankruptcies, more controls over Economies, more public money for subsidies, banks and companies but less for social polities causing more social breakdown (increasing criminality, drug abuse, despair, poverty, inequality and decreasing salaries and working conditions for the majority).

And how long are this recession going to last?? Nobody knows. Economists have got their own theories and ideologies but Neo-Keynesian ideas are winning ground because Neo-Liberal ideas have created our current nightmare scenario. But, this government intervention could be useless if the situation continues in the long term. A lot of governments can not get in to debt for more and they don’t have so much leeway so the situation can go worse if things don’t improve because we can’t forget the other latent problems: the rising prices of energy and raw materials, the war against Islamic terrorism, the environment and its catastrophic consequences, the lack of new leading industries …

If the recession continues for a long time (and it seems to last almost more than a year), our countries will need a deep adjustment in the Economic and Social structures. More flexibility, precariousness, inequality but the same or less control over sectors, because companies have more and more power and when situation improves they won’t want more government control over their activities.

So, this recession is going to be long and unfair. Let’s pull up with it!!